Below you will find online veterinary anatomy visual  materials, developed by top universities worldwide. 

The listing is organised by animal species and incudes visual references, from general anatomy to neurology and imaging. 

If you have suggestions for more resources, or if you spot any broken link, please get in touch

Disclaimer: I do not own rights to any of the content present in the links below. When referencing these materials, credit should be given to their original creators.

   Updated Apr 2022


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/ DOG & CAT​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Dog neck necropsy

College of Veterinary Medicine – University of Minnesota

Reference images and videos on the dissection of the dog, and several other resources on Arthrology, Neuroanatomy and Nephrology. [EN]
Dog, head, dissection, anatomy

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
& Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia

Detailed, labelled necropsy pictures of several systems of the dog; includes a downloadable pdf version. [ES, PT]
Dog, skeleton, bones, anatomy, muscles

College of Veterinary Medicine – Cornell University

Several videos and images describing the functions of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, and locomotion. [EN]
Dog, head, dissection, anatomy, x-ray

Royal Veterinary College

Collection of labelled radiographic images and comparison with related dissection photos. [EN]
Dog, brain, anatomy, sections, MRI

College of Veterinary Medicine – University of Minnesota

Reference images of the dog's brain gross anatomy, transverse labeled sections and MRI pictures. [EN]

Vicente Aige Gil – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelonas

Neuroanatomy lessons with detailed texts, videos and visual references. [EN]

Veterinary Faculty – Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Extensive list of 3D anatomical models, including skeletal, urinary, and cardiovascular systems. Obtained with structured light 3D scanner. [EN]

Veterinary Faculty – University of Zürich

Library of 3D anatomical models of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems of the dog. [EN]

College of Veterinary Medicine – University of Illinois

Great library with annotated radiographs of dogs, cats and other species [EN]
cat muscle dissection

The Pennsylvania State University

Small gallery with labelled dissection photos of the muscle system in cats. [EN]
/ Horse & Ruminants​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
horse, foot, bone, limb, anatomy, necropsy, muscles

College of Veterinary Medicine – Cornell University

Database of great color images of the dissection of the horse.  Designed to be a supplement to the text Rooney's Guide to the Dissection of the Horse.  [EN]
horse, intestine, abdominal, anatomy, necropsy, muscles

College of Veterinary Medicine – University of Minnesota

Reference images and videos on the dissection of ungulates (e.g. horse, cow, pig). [EN]

Veterinary Faculty – Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Extensive list of 3D anatomical models, including skeletal, urinary, and cardiovascular systems. Obtained with structured light 3D scanner. [EN]
horse, foot, bone, limb, anatomy, x-ray, MRI

Royal Veterinary College

Anatomical slices and corresponding radiograph and MRI images of several levels of the equine limbs.  [EN]
horse, foot, bone, limb, anatomy, x-ray

College of Veterinary Medicine – Iowa State University

3D and radiographic images of the skeletal anatomy of the equine limbs. [EN]
bovine, foot, bone, limb, anatomy, x-ray

College of Veterinary Medicine – Iowa State University

Labelled, radiographic images of the skeletal anatomy of the bovine limbs. [EN]

Michigan State University

Coronal labelled sections of the sheep brain. [EN]

University of Montreal

Interactive atlas with labelled photographic and radiographic references of cow anatomy. [FR]
© Diogo Guerra. 2022
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